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A Java project related to social welfare is ongoing for a Dutch client ( 12 Nov, 2005)

Abstract Technology has lately started a project related to social welfare for a Dutch client who provides services like financial data display and trading activities for financial markets.

The application is used to help unemployed people back to work. There are two different roles like users and administrators. Users can log into the system and edit their information after registration. System administrators are permitted to add, modify and delete all the data, and provide the applications for the related jobs to media or employers, all their performance will be recorded by the system. With this application, administrators are also able to create statistics on the result of these applications.

At present, the development environment has been set up; Abstract Technology's skilful engineers are dedicated to the development of the project with J2EE and MySQL after a clear understanding of the client's requirement.


For further information please email to: [email protected].

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