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Abstract Technology QA process management whitepaper

QA process management whitepaper

Name:  QA_whitepaper.pdf
Size:  292K

Nowadays accelerated release cycle is one major industry trend by force of the competitive pressure. Subsequently, the failure will be dramatically increased due to the frequent releases, shorter cycles, and furthermore, the customers' expectations of IT services proliferate. All of these make IT services companies focus on superior quality services, so it is essential to make quality assurance a smooth and well-managed process and achieve customers higher satisfaction.

Quality assurance (QA) is a very significant branch of the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It is an integral and critical phase of any software development project. This process not only meets requirements but also ensures reliable and stable software to make sure that any agreed-upon standards and procedures are followed.

The purpose of this white paper is to describe for our clients how the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) program in Abstract Technology is structured and how we ensure that the process is followed by every project team.

Quality Assurance process at Abstract Technology Software is to verify that all software we develop meets specifications and expectations of our client. It is always a very critical aspect from the initial phase to the release phase of software development lifecycle...

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Case studies

  • Offshore outsourcing service - case study
  • Application Processing System
  • SQL Server7.0, Oracle 8i, ASP, JavaScript, COM+ (based on VB)
  • 14400 man-hours

See also

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