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Case studies
Barcodes for Direct Mailings

Barcodes for Direct Mailings

The client

The client is a new software publisher, based in the UK.

What the client wanted

For the purpose of boosting the efficiency of recognize and sorting the return mailer's detail, the client needed a system to encode and decode the mailers' ID. By doing so, the information of the mailer can be obtained automatically from a 2D Data Matrix barcodes through the encoder and decoder.


The system was built up with two components by using C++:

An encoder module was used to encode the supplied mailer ID, the mailer's reference, name, address and any other information of the recipient. It created the barcode image for placement by the printing software-Data Matrix.

The decoder runs in batch mode at the returns handler. It processed a folder of scanned images, picked off the barcode from each image, decoded the information in the barcode and appended this information to file.


  • Saved the time from capturing data from returned envelops.
  • Improved data carrying capacity of the barcodes.
  • Cut down the cost of the routine work that searched the information of the returned mailer.
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